Wellesley College Library
Elizabeth Barrett / Robert Browning Love Letters

barrett envelope

Photographed the 573 letters of the renowned Elizabeth Barrett / Robert Browning correspondence written in the 21 months between his first bold letter in January 1845 (the letter begins “I love your verses with all my heart, dear Miss Barrett…”) and the eve of their clandestine departure to Italy in September 1846. 42-line photographed the letters and envelopes (1722 images) and 14 Elizabeth Barrett manuscripts (975 images) at Wellesley College Special Collections in October 2011.

The high-resolution files were transferred to the Armstrong Browning Library at Baylor University, where they are online for public view. Above, envelope addressed to Elizabeth Barrett (January 28, 1846); below, envelope addressed to Robert Browning (September 29, 1845). Browning numbered the letters he received from Elizabeth Barrett and made note of the time they spent together. Right, page 2, Robert Browning’s letter written two hours after their secret marriage ceremony (September 12, 1846): “…word and gesture, every letter, every silence – you have been entirely perfect to me – I would not change one word, one look – My hope and aim are to preserve this love, not to fall from it – for which I trust to God who procured it for me, and doubtlessly can preserve it. Enough now, my dearest, dearest, own Ba! You have given me the highest, completest proof of love that ever one human being gave another. I am all gratitude – and all pride (under the proper feeling which ascribes pride to the right source – ) all pride that my life has been so crowned by you. God bless you prays your very own R.”

browning envelope












barrett browning love letter